About Soccer - Boys JV
The interscholastic athletic program seeks to help student-athletes grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially through the challenges of athletic discipline, team participation, and interscholastic competition. The mission is educational and designed to enrich and complement the UHS academic experience.
The University High School Athletic program has a tradition of excellence and achievement. Our teams strive to be the best that they can be and, with numerous league and section championships over the years, it is clear that they are successful. We challenge all of our teams to have a seriousness of purpose and a great capacity to have fun—an approach we believe in for the positive experience it most often produces and because this approach hasbroader application across most areas of life.
Most of our student-athletes do develop a true love for their team experience and their sport—and 15% to 20% of each graduating class do go on to continue their student-athlete experience in college. Just as impressively, about 75% of our students each year participate on one or more of our interscholastic teams. Athletics is a very strong part of the UHS experience for
most of the students that come here.
Although we are proud of the championship banners that fill our gym, we value the development of our student-athletes even more. Red Devils leave here with strong skills and values in areas like effective teamwork, listening and communication, disciplined work habits, respect for authority, and emotional control. Students at all levels of sports—from the brand-new freshman trying out cross country to the highly skilled soccer player—are valued and respected by their coaches and expected to develop into a contributing member of the program of their choice. We don't measure the success of our athletic program by our win-loss record; we measure success by the way Red Devil Athletics helps enhance the high school experience and prepares our graduates for success in college and beyond.
Sports today—even at the high school level—can be overshadowed by the excesses of media hype, the college admissions process, and commercialism. Our goal is to keep the UHS Athletic Program rooted in the school mission, challenging "each individual to live a life of integrity, inquiry, and purpose larger than the self." We believe that our program highlights the best that physical activity, competition, and team play can offer a young student-athlete.
2020-2021 AND 2022-2023 Cal-Hi Sports IV State School of the Year
57 League Championships in the last six years
20 NCS championships in the last six years
State Championships: 16
86 athletes competing in college in the last six years
81% of students compete in at least one team per year
47% of students play multiple sports
45 teams across 16 different sports